2024 November – Megnyitja kapuit a DIVINE DESIGN Webshop! | Hamarosan: Hőszigetelési forradalom!

Mikro Dóm – Bush – 6m


Mikro Dóm – Bush – 6m

Induló Ár 8 760 

Ez lesz a magyar szöveg. Your default dome configuration contains the following elements:

  • A massive Borovi Pine frame
  • Normal (2nd class) dome panels
  • 5cm Wool Insulation
  • An Entrance Door

Please use the dome configurator to add more features and luxury to your dome! You can customize the windows, doors, insulation options, interior covers and more!

Állítsd Össze a Saját Dómod!

The default frame type is Borovi Pine. Feel free to upgrade it to Canadian Red Pine for longevity!
By default, we use 1st class dome panels. Feel free to upgrade to Premium for endurance and longevity!
At the moment we are using wool as an excellent insulation solution. You can add 5cm or 10cm of wool insulation for smaller domes, or 10cm/20cm for larger ones. Our contracted partner is ECO Friend Sheep at www.ecofriendsheep.eu . You can check their home page for more information on the advantages of using wool.
You can add a gorgeous skylight to your dome!
You can choose reflective glass for your skylight as an upgrade option.
Please configure how much natural light you'd like let into your dome!
You can add reflective glass for your windows.
You can add reflective glass for your windows.
You can add reflective glass for your windows.
You can add reflective glass for your windows.
Please configure how much natural light you'd like let into your dome!
You can add reflective glass for your windows.
You can add reflective glass for your windows.
You can add reflective glass for your windows.
You can add reflective glass for your windows.
By default, the door is not insulated, but you can upgrade for insulation here.
Product total
Options total
Grand total

Gyártási Idő & Szállítás


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A szállítási költséget nem tartalmazza az online rendelés. A szállítási árajánlatot néhány nappal a megrendelés után küldjük el, és a személyre szabott díjat online tudod majd kiegyenlíteni.


További információk


356 cm


700-1200 kg




26.5 m2

Alvó Kapacitás

5 ember